Albino Rhino last weekend at Sam's Throne

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I love it. I absolutely love it.

I’ve been trying to figure out a way to begin this blog – a perfect first posting – a statement that will set the stage for the things I’d like to talk about here. I considered quoting a philosopher such as Thoreau, or a revolutionary theologian like Bonhoeffer or Wright, because their words have challenged so many (including myself) to change, or at least question, the way they have always looked at the world. Any number of excerpts from their works would have been relevant and thought provoking, but honestly, nothing stood out.

The other day I was reading through a couple of posts that one of my good friends had written earlier this summer, and I stumbled over this statement.

“You don’t have to turn your brain off to become a Christian.”

Thank you, Heather. You're a genius.

Coming from the background that I have (grew up in church, Bible School, the works...) that one sentence houses so many different emotions it's unbelievable.

It puts into words the context of the things my friends and I have been discussing for the past two years. As a group trying as hard as we can to live out the Christian metanarrative, we’ve been so frustrated by lack of thought that has taken place in modern western Christianity. So many Christians that I’ve come in contact with have no idea what exactly the Christian worldview is, let alone how to support it. Sometimes, ideas and activities will be based on loose scriptural references that have been stripped completely of their original context and meaning, but just as much things are done because of nothing more than tradition or a whim of the leadership.

With that said, I want you to understand I have no intention of bashing the church and constantly pointing out what I perceive to be its faults. Instead, my goal is to think hard about the Christian metanarrative, and then figure out how I can appropriately apply it as the over-arching story of my life.

I believe that there is need for real people to live out real Christianity.

That’s why I decided to title this blog “Building a Life”. I’m in a process of thinking about, and building my life around the Christian story. I will tell you up front that I don’t have answers to every question, but if you’re someone who is interested in thinking about tough questions and making sense out of the Christian story, then I’d like for you to walk with me for a while on this journey.

Let’s change the world…


Mike Aleckson said...

Beautifully said, Tyler.

All right, so how then do you reconcile your mind and logical processes with your faith?

Do they complement or fight against one another?

Tyler said...

Thank you, Mike, for both the question and the complement.

In order to appropriately address the subject, I've decided to create a new post rather than leave a lengthy comment.

Stay tuned!